Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Brotherly Love

So we were sitting at the table eating dinner with the boys... Luke was asking Rylee if certain people were nice. His response to all of the people was "uh-huh" well except for one. Can anyone guess who that may be?

Luke: "Rylee, is Justyce nice?"
Luke points to Justyce and again asks: "Rylee, is Justyce nice?"
Rylee looks right at Luke and plain as day says " No, no way...sure ain't."

I almost fell out out of my chair from laughing so hard. Thats my little Okie...

You never know what these boys are going to say or do...

The other night the boys were in their room playing and actually getting along for an extended amount of time. I was across the hall putting clothes away...when I heard:
"Rylee you Sh**thead, you broke my car!"

Thank goodness I was in the other room and could chuckle a little before I went in there to have the naughty language speech!

Thats what I call brotherly love!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Home Sweet Home

As of December 26th, 2009 our family moved into out new home!

We have been busy unpacking and getting things organized! However, we are a long way from being done. Our poor garage is a disaster area. I cannot wait until we can come home and put our feet up and relax! We are looking forward what the future holds for us here!